Tree-Free Bamboo Paper Towels

Absorbent and sturdy enough to get to work on heavy spills, kitchen messes and cleanup needs. These tree-free bamboo paper towels are strong enough for any spill. Made from soft & sustainable bamboo, not trees! Free of chlorine bleaching and chemicals, too. 2-ply bamboo paper towels with 120 sheets per roll. 8 rolls per box. Total of 960 sheets.

<1 gallon of water per roll
Bamboo regrows in 1-2 years

37 gallons of water per roll
Trees take 30 years to grow
You can go without the trees

More tree-free

Why Bamboo?
The paper industry clear cuts 1,000,000 acres of North American boreal forest each year. While trees may be replanted (and re-cut) the forest is gone forever. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing, least needy grasses on the planet. Bamboo uses a fraction of the water to grow and produce. And, bamboo does not require chemical pesticides or herbicides to grow and thrive. Daily decisions like choosing Caboo do make a difference. We and the forest thank you!